Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Another (one bites the) dust

Flight Forward

Will and law have curvy crossroads
nonsense Noplace is the finish line.
Gravity got you and will get you again.
There would have been a friendly twin.

Your lookyouhavearearviewmirror
disclosed a vibrant, dusty tremblimage
of a faintly waiving hand gesture
of a costly close notonebody.

Your bright eyes in your rare-view mirror
cast creepy, eery lightning bolts.
Those jolly, joyous bystanders
sadly never knew.

Let's go on then, adelante!
Step up on that gas pedal.
Exhausting better knowledge,
and scratching up my stomach, too.

"Where is it then she comes from"
I naively ask myself
still waiting on those crossroads.

Whilst chewing on your quicksand, dear.